Republican Leaders Say No to Graham’s 15-Week Abortion Ban

Republicans strongly advocate for stopping abortion. They believe it’s a tragedy that takes the life of an innocent human being, and that it should be stopped at all costs. Abortion is a hot-button issue for us Republicans… and we will continue to fight for what we believe in.

However, some RINOs (Republican In Name Only) support dems on abortion. What a disgrace! They’re supposed to be conservatives. However, they’re aiding and abetting the leftists on this crucial issue.

RINO Lindsey Graham Proposes 15-Week Abortion Ban

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham shocked most of his GOP colleagues with his rushed decision for abortion. He aims to win control of the House and Senate in November’s midterm by:

  • Focusing on the economy and high inflation
  • Proposing a 15-week national abortion ban

What the RINO is doing is placing front and center one of the few issues, abortion, with the potential to motivate dem voters.

Even President Trump doesn’t see Graham as a true Republican. Last March, he exposed the RINO’s true colors. He said, “There are a couple of senators. And we have our progressive senator from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham.”

Graham is a RINO. He did this to support the Dems outrage over their desire to kill babies in the womb.

Republicans Oppose Graham’s Politically Motivated Abortion Ban

According to the Hill, only nine Senate Republicans have sponsored Graham’s proposal to ban abortion after 15 weeks.

The most senior member of the Senate GOP, Sen. Chuck Grassley, firmly said that we would never vote for Graham’s 15-week abortion ban. Moreover, this proposal from the RINO has caused a political headache for his fellow Republicans.

Grassley said at a televised debate this October, “I would vote ‘no.’”

The Senate GOP’s opposition to Graham was actually surprising. The reason why is that he previously co-sponsored the RINO’s bill from last year… which aims to ban abortion after 20 weeks.

Now, Grassley says that abortion is an issue that should be handled at the state level…

Senate Republican Leader, Mitch McConnel wasn’t impressed when Graham introduced his 15-week abortion ban. The RINO went on with this proposal without even consulting the minority leader.

McConnel signaled that he does not plan to bring Graham’s bill to the floor in 2023. He said, “With regard to his bill, you’ll have to ask him about it. In terms of scheduling, I think most of the members of my conference prefer that this be dealt with at the state level.”

Graham is a RINO and is actually attempting to stir democratic interest in the midterms… by proposing this abortion ban. He is working for the demo-rats. 

Lindsey is only trying to get the dems motivated before the midterms

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